Personal, social and health education

What type on injustices are there in the world?
This lesson is looking at different type of injustices there are in the world.
This lesson is following the British Geography Curriculum. Within the 1 hour lesson (which can easily be adapted to be longer) caters for differing learning styles with a range of differing activities to target specific skills.
All students seemed to enjoy the lesson and the activities within. The lesson is created with differing students in mind to allow all students to succeed and develop their geographical and wider knowledge.
Lesson is easy to follow even for non-specialist teachers and can easily be adapted to increase challenge or to suit a nurture curriculum. All hand-outs are attached or within the PowerPoint.

What is Justice?
This lesson is looking at the term justice and look at differing examples of injustice around the world.
This lesson is following the British Geography Curriculum. Within the 1 hour lesson (which can easily be adapted to be longer) caters for differing learning styles with a range of differing activities to target specific skills.
All students seemed to enjoy the lesson and the activities within. The lesson is created with differing students in mind to allow all students to succeed and develop their geographical and wider knowledge.
Lesson is easy to follow even for non-specialist teachers and can easily be adapted to increase challenge or to suit a nurture curriculum. All hand-outs are attached or within the PowerPoint.

How can the world be made Just?
This topic looks at different type of injustices around the world with a main focus on racism.
The lessons include:
What is injustice?
What type of injustices are there in the world?
Why are some people prejudice?
What can we all learn from the Stephen Lawrence Case?
Who was Martin Luther King?
What did Gandhi do to stop injustice?
How can we stop homelessness?
These lessons follow the British Curriculum. Within each 1 hour lesson (which can easily be adapted to be longer) caters for differing learning styles with a range of differing activities to target specific skills.
All students seemed to enjoy the unit and the activities within. The lessons are created with differing students in mind to allow all students to succeed and develop their geographical and wider knowledge.
All lessons are easy to follow even for non-specialist teachers and can easily be adapted to increase challenge or to suit a nurture curriculum. All hand-outs are attached or within the PowerPoint.

PSHE Curriculum Overview. Yr7-Yr11 on one sheet.
This resource is very useful to identify what each year group will be studying Yr7-Yr11.
The page is split up into different Year Groups.
Then categorised into the following topics:
Careers and Economic & Financial Education.
Citizenship Education.
Health Education./
Relationships and Sex Education.
No lessons are attached. Just topic overview.